Who is Timeless Renovations?

Generations of quality and skill passed down over the years and shared with the community.

Generations of quality and skill passed down over the years and shared with the community.

J.W. Parker (owner) was born and raised in Eastern Coastal North Carolina, spending much of his time in Emerald Isle, where his family owned a local restaurant.  Building, remodeling and renovating came at a young age for J.W. by working directly with his father for his construction company, which specialized in both residential and commercial building throughout North Carolina and Tennessee.  J.W. is a 2nd generation builder and after finding his home base in Beaufort, NC, J.W. knew that historic preservation in Carteret County was an important demand that needed to be fulfilled with his various talents.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long has Timeless Renovations been in business?

Timeless Renovations was founded in 2018 in Beaufort, North Carolina to fulfill the niche market of historic and custom home renovations in the area.

Who do they serve?

Timeless Renovations proudly serves New Bern, Morehead City, Swansboro, Beaufort and Ocracoke.

What are their specialties?

Timeless Renovations Inc. provides both exterior and interior work, including but not limited to creative planning, remodeling, renovating, and project management.  Exterior plans may include roofing, siding, painting, window replacement, decking, porches, and more. Interior design is almost endless, from kitchen, to bathroom, to bedroom, Timeless Renovations can match the current theme within your home or create your own vision. 

Are they licensed?

Timeless is licensed, insured, and bonded.

Timeless Renovations is a proud participant and sponsor of several local organizations including: